Source code for fmriprep.workflows.fieldmap.syn

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.. _sdc_fieldmapless :

Fieldmap-less estimation (experimental)

In the absence of direct measurements of fieldmap data, we provide an (experimental)
option to estimate the susceptibility distortion based on the ANTs symmetric
normalization (SyN) technique.
This feature may be enabled, using the ``--use-syn-sdc`` flag, and will only be
applied if fieldmaps are unavailable.

During the evaluation phase, the ``--force-syn`` flag will cause this estimation to
be performed *in addition to* fieldmap-based estimation, to permit the direct
comparison of the results of each technique.
Note that, even if ``--force-syn`` is given, the functional outputs of FMRIPREP will
be corrected using the fieldmap-based estimates.

Feedback will be enthusiastically received.

import pkg_resources as pkgr

from niworkflows.nipype import logging
from niworkflows.nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from niworkflows.nipype.interfaces import fsl, utility as niu
from niworkflows.interfaces import SimpleBeforeAfter
from niworkflows.interfaces.fixes import (FixHeaderApplyTransforms as ApplyTransforms,
                                          FixHeaderRegistration as Registration)
from ...interfaces import InvertT1w
from ...interfaces.images import extract_wm
from ..bold.util import init_skullstrip_bold_wf

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('workflow')

[docs]def init_nonlinear_sdc_wf(bold_file, freesurfer, bold2t1w_dof, template, omp_nthreads, bold_pe='j', atlas_threshold=3, name='nonlinear_sdc_wf'): """ This workflow takes a skull-stripped T1w image and reference BOLD image and estimates a susceptibility distortion correction warp, using ANTs symmetric normalization (SyN) and the average fieldmap atlas described in [Treiber2016]_. SyN deformation is restricted to the phase-encoding (PE) direction. If no PE direction is specified, anterior-posterior PE is assumed. SyN deformation is also restricted to regions that are expected to have a >3mm (approximately 1 voxel) warp, based on the fieldmap atlas. This technique is a variation on those developed in [Huntenburg2014]_ and [Wang2017]_. .. workflow :: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.fieldmap.syn import init_nonlinear_sdc_wf wf = init_nonlinear_sdc_wf( bold_file='/dataset/sub-01/func/sub-01_task-rest_bold.nii.gz', bold_pe='j', freesurfer=True, bold2t1w_dof=9, template='MNI152NLin2009cAsym', omp_nthreads=8) **Inputs** t1_brain skull-stripped, bias-corrected structural image bold_ref skull-stripped reference image t1_seg FAST segmentation white and gray matter, in native T1w space t1_2_mni_reverse_transform inverse registration transform of T1w image to MNI template **Outputs** out_reference_brain the ``bold_ref`` image after unwarping out_warp the corresponding :abbr:`DFM (displacements field map)` compatible with ANTs out_mask mask of the unwarped input file """ workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(['t1_brain', 'bold_ref', 't1_2_mni_reverse_transform', 't1_seg']), name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(['out_reference_brain', 'out_mask', 'out_warp', 'out_warp_report']), name='outputnode') if bold_pe is None or bold_pe[0] not in ['i', 'j']: LOGGER.warning('Incorrect phase-encoding direction, assuming PA (posterior-to-anterior') bold_pe = 'j' # Collect predefined data # Atlas image and registration affine atlas_img = pkgr.resource_filename('fmriprep', 'data/fmap_atlas.nii.gz') atlas_2_template_affine = pkgr.resource_filename( 'fmriprep', 'data/fmap_atlas_2_{}_affine.mat'.format(template)) # Registration specifications affine_transform = pkgr.resource_filename('fmriprep', 'data/affine.json') syn_transform = pkgr.resource_filename('fmriprep', 'data/susceptibility_syn.json') invert_t1w = pe.Node(InvertT1w(), name='invert_t1w', mem_gb=0.3) ref_2_t1 = pe.Node(Registration(from_file=affine_transform), name='ref_2_t1', n_procs=omp_nthreads) t1_2_ref = pe.Node(ApplyTransforms(invert_transform_flags=[True]), name='t1_2_ref', n_procs=omp_nthreads) # 1) BOLD -> T1; 2) MNI -> T1; 3) ATLAS -> MNI transform_list = pe.Node(niu.Merge(3), name='transform_list', mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) transform_list.inputs.in3 = atlas_2_template_affine # Inverting (1), then applying in reverse order: # # ATLAS -> MNI -> T1 -> BOLD atlas_2_ref = pe.Node( ApplyTransforms(invert_transform_flags=[True, False, False]), name='atlas_2_ref', n_procs=omp_nthreads, mem_gb=0.3) atlas_2_ref.inputs.input_image = atlas_img threshold_atlas = pe.Node( fsl.maths.MathsCommand(args='-thr {:.8g} -bin'.format(atlas_threshold), output_datatype='char'), name='threshold_atlas', mem_gb=0.3) fixed_image_masks = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), name='fixed_image_masks', mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) fixed_image_masks.inputs.in1 = 'NULL' restrict = [[int(bold_pe[0] == 'i'), int(bold_pe[0] == 'j'), 0]] * 2 syn = pe.Node( Registration(from_file=syn_transform, restrict_deformation=restrict), name='syn', n_procs=omp_nthreads) seg_2_ref = pe.Node( ApplyTransforms(interpolation='NearestNeighbor', float=True, invert_transform_flags=[True]), name='seg_2_ref', n_procs=omp_nthreads, mem_gb=0.3) sel_wm = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=extract_wm), name='sel_wm', mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) syn_rpt = pe.Node(SimpleBeforeAfter(), name='syn_rpt', mem_gb=0.1) skullstrip_bold_wf = init_skullstrip_bold_wf() workflow.connect([ (inputnode, invert_t1w, [('t1_brain', 'in_file'), ('bold_ref', 'ref_file')]), (inputnode, ref_2_t1, [('bold_ref', 'moving_image')]), (invert_t1w, ref_2_t1, [('out_file', 'fixed_image')]), (inputnode, t1_2_ref, [('bold_ref', 'reference_image')]), (invert_t1w, t1_2_ref, [('out_file', 'input_image')]), (ref_2_t1, t1_2_ref, [('forward_transforms', 'transforms')]), (ref_2_t1, transform_list, [('forward_transforms', 'in1')]), (inputnode, transform_list, [('t1_2_mni_reverse_transform', 'in2')]), (inputnode, atlas_2_ref, [('bold_ref', 'reference_image')]), (transform_list, atlas_2_ref, [('out', 'transforms')]), (atlas_2_ref, threshold_atlas, [('output_image', 'in_file')]), (threshold_atlas, fixed_image_masks, [('out_file', 'in2')]), (inputnode, syn, [('bold_ref', 'moving_image')]), (t1_2_ref, syn, [('output_image', 'fixed_image')]), (fixed_image_masks, syn, [('out', 'fixed_image_masks')]), (inputnode, seg_2_ref, [('t1_seg', 'input_image')]), (ref_2_t1, seg_2_ref, [('forward_transforms', 'transforms')]), (syn, seg_2_ref, [('warped_image', 'reference_image')]), (seg_2_ref, sel_wm, [('output_image', 'in_seg')]), (inputnode, syn_rpt, [('bold_ref', 'before')]), (syn, syn_rpt, [('warped_image', 'after')]), (sel_wm, syn_rpt, [('out', 'wm_seg')]), (syn, skullstrip_bold_wf, [('warped_image', 'inputnode.in_file')]), (syn, outputnode, [('forward_transforms', 'out_warp')]), (skullstrip_bold_wf, outputnode, [ ('outputnode.skull_stripped_file', 'out_reference_brain'), ('outputnode.mask_file', 'out_mask')]), (syn_rpt, outputnode, [('out_report', 'out_warp_report')])]) return workflow