Source code for fmriprep.workflows.fieldmap.base

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:
.. _sdc_base :

Automatic selection of the appropriate SDC method

If the dataset metadata indicate tha more than one field map acquisition is
``IntendedFor`` (see BIDS Specification section 8.9) the following priority will
be used:

  1. :ref:`sdc_pepolar` (or **blip-up/blip-down**)

  2. :ref:`sdc_direct_b0`

  3. :ref:`sdc_phasediff`

  4. :ref:`sdc_fieldmapless`

Table of behavior (fieldmap use-cases):

=============== =========== ============= ===============
Fieldmaps found ``use_syn`` ``force_syn``     Action
=============== =========== ============= ===============
True            *           True          Fieldmaps + SyN
True            *           False         Fieldmaps
False           *           True          SyN
False           True        False         SyN
False           False       False         HMC only
=============== =========== ============= ===============


from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from nipype.interfaces import utility as niu
from nipype import logging

# Fieldmap workflows
from .pepolar import init_pepolar_unwarp_wf
from .syn import init_syn_sdc_wf
from .unwarp import init_sdc_unwarp_wf

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('nipype.workflow')
    'epi': 0,
    'fieldmap': 1,
    'phasediff': 2,
    'syn': 3

[docs]def init_sdc_wf(fmaps, bold_meta, omp_nthreads=1, debug=False, fmap_bspline=False, fmap_demean=True): """ This workflow implements the heuristics to choose a :abbr:`SDC (susceptibility distortion correction)` strategy. When no field map information is present within the BIDS inputs, the EXPERIMENTAL "fieldmap-less SyN" can be performed, using the ``--use-syn`` argument. When ``--force-syn`` is specified, then the "fieldmap-less SyN" is always executed and reported despite of other fieldmaps available with higher priority. In the latter case (some sort of fieldmap(s) is available and ``--force-syn`` is requested), then the :abbr:`SDC (susceptibility distortion correction)` method applied is that with the highest priority. .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.fieldmap import init_sdc_wf wf = init_sdc_wf( fmaps=[{ 'type': 'phasediff', 'phasediff': 'sub-03/ses-2/fmap/sub-03_ses-2_run-1_phasediff.nii.gz', 'magnitude1': 'sub-03/ses-2/fmap/sub-03_ses-2_run-1_magnitude1.nii.gz', 'magnitude2': 'sub-03/ses-2/fmap/sub-03_ses-2_run-1_magnitude2.nii.gz', }], bold_meta={ 'RepetitionTime': 2.0, 'SliceTiming': [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9], 'PhaseEncodingDirection': 'j', }, ) **Parameters** fmaps : list of pybids dicts A list of dictionaries with the available fieldmaps (and their metadata using the key ``'metadata'`` for the case of *epi* fieldmaps) bold_meta : dict BIDS metadata dictionary corresponding to the BOLD run omp_nthreads : int Maximum number of threads an individual process may use fmap_bspline : bool **Experimental**: Fit B-Spline field using least-squares fmap_demean : bool Demean voxel-shift map during unwarp debug : bool Enable debugging outputs **Inputs** bold_ref A BOLD reference calculated at a previous stage bold_ref_brain Same as above, but brain-masked bold_mask Brain mask for the BOLD run t1_brain T1w image, brain-masked, for the fieldmap-less SyN method t1_2_mni_reverse_transform MNI-to-T1w transform to map prior knowledge to the T1w fo the fieldmap-less SyN method template : str Name of template targeted by ``template`` output space **Outputs** bold_ref An unwarped BOLD reference bold_mask The corresponding new mask after unwarping bold_ref_brain Brain-extracted, unwarped BOLD reference out_warp The deformation field to unwarp the susceptibility distortions syn_bold_ref If ``--force-syn``, an unwarped BOLD reference with this method (for reporting purposes) """ # TODO: To be removed (filter out unsupported fieldmaps): fmaps = [fmap for fmap in fmaps if fmap['type'] in FMAP_PRIORITY] workflow = pe.Workflow(name='sdc_wf' if fmaps else 'sdc_bypass_wf') inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['bold_ref', 'bold_ref_brain', 'bold_mask', 't1_brain', 't1_2_mni_reverse_transform', 'template']), name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['bold_ref', 'bold_mask', 'bold_ref_brain', 'out_warp', 'syn_bold_ref', 'method']), name='outputnode') # No fieldmaps - forward inputs to outputs if not fmaps: outputnode.inputs.method = 'None' workflow.connect([ (inputnode, outputnode, [('bold_ref', 'bold_ref'), ('bold_mask', 'bold_mask'), ('bold_ref_brain', 'bold_ref_brain')]), ]) return workflow # In case there are multiple fieldmaps prefer EPI fmaps.sort(key=lambda fmap: FMAP_PRIORITY[fmap['type']]) fmap = fmaps[0] # PEPOLAR path if fmap['type'] == 'epi': outputnode.inputs.method = 'PEB/PEPOLAR (phase-encoding based / PE-POLARity)' # Get EPI polarities and their metadata epi_fmaps = [(fmap_['epi'], fmap_['metadata']["PhaseEncodingDirection"]) for fmap_ in fmaps if fmap_['type'] == 'epi'] sdc_unwarp_wf = init_pepolar_unwarp_wf( bold_meta=bold_meta, epi_fmaps=epi_fmaps, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, name='pepolar_unwarp_wf') workflow.connect([ (inputnode, sdc_unwarp_wf, [ ('bold_ref', 'inputnode.in_reference'), ('bold_mask', 'inputnode.in_mask'), ('bold_ref_brain', 'inputnode.in_reference_brain')]), ]) # FIELDMAP path if fmap['type'] in ['fieldmap', 'phasediff']: outputnode.inputs.method = 'FMB (%s-based)' % fmap['type'] # Import specific workflows here, so we don't break everything with one # unused workflow. if fmap['type'] == 'fieldmap': from .fmap import init_fmap_wf fmap_estimator_wf = init_fmap_wf( omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, fmap_bspline=fmap_bspline) # set inputs fmap_estimator_wf.inputs.inputnode.fieldmap = fmap['fieldmap'] fmap_estimator_wf.inputs.inputnode.magnitude = fmap['magnitude'] if fmap['type'] == 'phasediff': from .phdiff import init_phdiff_wf fmap_estimator_wf = init_phdiff_wf(omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads) # set inputs fmap_estimator_wf.inputs.inputnode.phasediff = fmap['phasediff'] fmap_estimator_wf.inputs.inputnode.magnitude = [ fmap_ for key, fmap_ in sorted(fmap.items()) if key.startswith("magnitude") ] sdc_unwarp_wf = init_sdc_unwarp_wf( omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, fmap_demean=fmap_demean, debug=debug, name='sdc_unwarp_wf') sdc_unwarp_wf.inputs.inputnode.metadata = bold_meta workflow.connect([ (inputnode, sdc_unwarp_wf, [ ('bold_ref', 'inputnode.in_reference'), ('bold_ref_brain', 'inputnode.in_reference_brain'), ('bold_mask', 'inputnode.in_mask')]), (fmap_estimator_wf, sdc_unwarp_wf, [ ('outputnode.fmap', 'inputnode.fmap'), ('outputnode.fmap_ref', 'inputnode.fmap_ref'), ('outputnode.fmap_mask', 'inputnode.fmap_mask')]), ]) # FIELDMAP-less path if any(fm['type'] == 'syn' for fm in fmaps): syn_sdc_wf = init_syn_sdc_wf( bold_pe=bold_meta.get('PhaseEncodingDirection', None), omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, syn_sdc_wf, [ ('t1_brain', 'inputnode.t1_brain'), ('t1_2_mni_reverse_transform', 'inputnode.t1_2_mni_reverse_transform'), ('bold_ref', 'inputnode.bold_ref'), ('bold_ref_brain', 'inputnode.bold_ref_brain'), ('template', 'inputnode.template')]), ]) # XXX Eliminate branch when forcing isn't an option if fmap['type'] == 'syn': # No fieldmaps, but --use-syn outputnode.inputs.method = 'FLB ("fieldmap-less", SyN-based)' sdc_unwarp_wf = syn_sdc_wf else: # --force-syn was called when other fieldmap was present workflow.connect([ (syn_sdc_wf, outputnode, [ ('outputnode.out_reference', 'syn_bold_ref')]), ]) workflow.connect([ (sdc_unwarp_wf, outputnode, [ ('outputnode.out_warp', 'out_warp'), ('outputnode.out_reference', 'bold_ref'), ('outputnode.out_reference_brain', 'bold_ref_brain'), ('outputnode.out_mask', 'bold_mask')]), ]) return workflow