Source code for fmriprep.workflows.bold.confounds

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Calculate BOLD confounds

.. autofunction:: init_bold_confs_wf
.. autofunction:: init_ica_aroma_wf

import os
from import get_mni_icbm152_linear, get_mni_icbm152_nlin_asym_09c
from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from nipype.interfaces import utility as niu, fsl
from nipype.interfaces.nilearn import SignalExtraction
from nipype.algorithms import confounds as nac

from niworkflows.interfaces.segmentation import ICA_AROMARPT
from niworkflows.interfaces.masks import ROIsPlot
from niworkflows.interfaces.fixes import FixHeaderApplyTransforms as ApplyTransforms

from ...interfaces import (
    TPM2ROI, AddTPMs, AddTSVHeader, GatherConfounds, ICAConfounds,
    FMRISummary, DerivativesDataSink
from ...interfaces.patches import (
    RobustACompCor as ACompCor,
    RobustTCompCor as TCompCor

from .resampling import init_bold_mni_trans_wf


[docs]def init_bold_confs_wf(mem_gb, metadata, name="bold_confs_wf"): """ This workflow calculates confounds for a BOLD series, and aggregates them into a :abbr:`TSV (tab-separated value)` file, for use as nuisance regressors in a :abbr:`GLM (general linear model)`. The following confounds are calculated, with column headings in parentheses: #. Region-wise average signal (``CSF``, ``WhiteMatter``, ``GlobalSignal``) #. DVARS - standard, nonstandard, and voxel-wise standard variants (``stdDVARS``, ``non-stdDVARS``, ``vx-wisestdDVARS``) #. Framewise displacement, based on MCFLIRT motion parameters (``FramewiseDisplacement``) #. Temporal CompCor (``tCompCorXX``) #. Anatomical CompCor (``aCompCorXX``) #. Cosine basis set for high-pass filtering w/ 0.008 Hz cut-off (``CosineXX``) #. Non-steady-state volumes (``NonSteadyStateXX``) #. Estimated head-motion parameters, in mm and rad (``X``, ``Y``, ``Z``, ``RotX``, ``RotY``, ``RotZ``) Prior to estimating aCompCor and tCompCor, non-steady-state volumes are censored and high-pass filtered using a :abbr:`DCT (discrete cosine transform)` basis. The cosine basis, as well as one regressor per censored volume, are included for convenience. .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.bold.confounds import init_bold_confs_wf wf = init_bold_confs_wf( mem_gb=1, metadata={}) **Parameters** mem_gb : float Size of BOLD file in GB - please note that this size should be calculated after resamplings that may extend the FoV metadata : dict BIDS metadata for BOLD file name : str Name of workflow (default: ``bold_confs_wf``) **Inputs** bold BOLD image, after the prescribed corrections (STC, HMC and SDC) when available. bold_mask BOLD series mask movpar_file SPM-formatted motion parameters file t1_mask Mask of the skull-stripped template image t1_tpms List of tissue probability maps in T1w space t1_bold_xform Affine matrix that maps the T1w space into alignment with the native BOLD space **Outputs** confounds_file TSV of all aggregated confounds rois_report Reportlet visualizing white-matter/CSF mask used for aCompCor, the ROI for tCompCor and the BOLD brain mask. """ inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['bold', 'bold_mask', 'movpar_file', 't1_mask', 't1_tpms', 't1_bold_xform']), name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['confounds_file']), name='outputnode') # Get masks ready in T1w space acc_tpm = pe.Node(AddTPMs(indices=[0, 2]), name='tpms_add_csf_wm') # acc stands for aCompCor csf_roi = pe.Node(TPM2ROI(erode_mm=0, mask_erode_mm=30), name='csf_roi') wm_roi = pe.Node(TPM2ROI( erode_prop=0.6, mask_erode_prop=0.6**3), # 0.6 = radius; 0.6^3 = volume name='wm_roi') acc_roi = pe.Node(TPM2ROI( erode_prop=0.6, mask_erode_prop=0.6**3), # 0.6 = radius; 0.6^3 = volume name='acc_roi') # Map ROIs in T1w space into BOLD space csf_tfm = pe.Node(ApplyTransforms(interpolation='NearestNeighbor', float=True), name='csf_tfm', mem_gb=0.1) wm_tfm = pe.Node(ApplyTransforms(interpolation='NearestNeighbor', float=True), name='wm_tfm', mem_gb=0.1) acc_tfm = pe.Node(ApplyTransforms(interpolation='NearestNeighbor', float=True), name='acc_tfm', mem_gb=0.1) tcc_tfm = pe.Node(ApplyTransforms(interpolation='NearestNeighbor', float=True), name='tcc_tfm', mem_gb=0.1) # Ensure ROIs don't go off-limits (reduced FoV) csf_msk = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_maskroi), name='csf_msk') wm_msk = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_maskroi), name='wm_msk') acc_msk = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_maskroi), name='acc_msk') tcc_msk = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_maskroi), name='tcc_msk') # DVARS dvars = pe.Node(nac.ComputeDVARS(save_all=True, remove_zerovariance=True), name="dvars", mem_gb=mem_gb) # Frame displacement fdisp = pe.Node(nac.FramewiseDisplacement(parameter_source="SPM"), name="fdisp", mem_gb=mem_gb) # a/t-CompCor non_steady_state = pe.Node(nac.NonSteadyStateDetector(), name='non_steady_state') tcompcor = pe.Node(TCompCor( components_file='tcompcor.tsv', pre_filter='cosine', save_pre_filter=True, percentile_threshold=.05), name="tcompcor", mem_gb=mem_gb) acompcor = pe.Node(ACompCor( components_file='acompcor.tsv', pre_filter='cosine', save_pre_filter=True), name="acompcor", mem_gb=mem_gb) # Set TR if present if 'RepetitionTime' in metadata: tcompcor.inputs.repetition_time = metadata['RepetitionTime'] acompcor.inputs.repetition_time = metadata['RepetitionTime'] # Global and segment regressors mrg_lbl = pe.Node(niu.Merge(3), name='merge_rois', run_without_submitting=True) signals = pe.Node(SignalExtraction(class_labels=["CSF", "WhiteMatter", "GlobalSignal"]), name="signals", mem_gb=mem_gb) # Arrange confounds add_header = pe.Node(AddTSVHeader(columns=["X", "Y", "Z", "RotX", "RotY", "RotZ"]), name="add_header", mem_gb=0.01, run_without_submitting=True) concat = pe.Node(GatherConfounds(), name="concat", mem_gb=0.01, run_without_submitting=True) # Generate reportlet mrg_compcor = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), name='merge_compcor', run_without_submitting=True) rois_plot = pe.Node(ROIsPlot(colors=['r', 'b', 'magenta'], generate_report=True), name='rois_plot') ds_report_bold_rois = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(suffix='rois'), name='ds_report_bold_rois', run_without_submitting=True, mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) def _pick_csf(files): return files[0] def _pick_wm(files): return files[-1] workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) workflow.connect([ # Massage ROIs (in T1w space) (inputnode, acc_tpm, [('t1_tpms', 'in_files')]), (inputnode, csf_roi, [(('t1_tpms', _pick_csf), 'in_tpm'), ('t1_mask', 'in_mask')]), (inputnode, wm_roi, [(('t1_tpms', _pick_wm), 'in_tpm'), ('t1_mask', 'in_mask')]), (inputnode, acc_roi, [('t1_mask', 'in_mask')]), (acc_tpm, acc_roi, [('out_file', 'in_tpm')]), # Map ROIs to BOLD (inputnode, csf_tfm, [('bold_mask', 'reference_image'), ('t1_bold_xform', 'transforms')]), (csf_roi, csf_tfm, [('roi_file', 'input_image')]), (inputnode, wm_tfm, [('bold_mask', 'reference_image'), ('t1_bold_xform', 'transforms')]), (wm_roi, wm_tfm, [('roi_file', 'input_image')]), (inputnode, acc_tfm, [('bold_mask', 'reference_image'), ('t1_bold_xform', 'transforms')]), (acc_roi, acc_tfm, [('roi_file', 'input_image')]), (inputnode, tcc_tfm, [('bold_mask', 'reference_image'), ('t1_bold_xform', 'transforms')]), (csf_roi, tcc_tfm, [('eroded_mask', 'input_image')]), # Mask ROIs with bold_mask (inputnode, csf_msk, [('bold_mask', 'in_mask')]), (inputnode, wm_msk, [('bold_mask', 'in_mask')]), (inputnode, acc_msk, [('bold_mask', 'in_mask')]), (inputnode, tcc_msk, [('bold_mask', 'in_mask')]), # connect inputnode to each non-anatomical confound node (inputnode, dvars, [('bold', 'in_file'), ('bold_mask', 'in_mask')]), (inputnode, fdisp, [('movpar_file', 'in_file')]), # Calculate nonsteady state (inputnode, non_steady_state, [('bold', 'in_file')]), # tCompCor (inputnode, tcompcor, [('bold', 'realigned_file')]), (non_steady_state, tcompcor, [('n_volumes_to_discard', 'ignore_initial_volumes')]), (tcc_tfm, tcc_msk, [('output_image', 'roi_file')]), (tcc_msk, tcompcor, [('out', 'mask_files')]), # aCompCor (inputnode, acompcor, [('bold', 'realigned_file')]), (non_steady_state, acompcor, [('n_volumes_to_discard', 'ignore_initial_volumes')]), (acc_tfm, acc_msk, [('output_image', 'roi_file')]), (acc_msk, acompcor, [('out', 'mask_files')]), # Global signals extraction (constrained by anatomy) (inputnode, signals, [('bold', 'in_file')]), (csf_tfm, csf_msk, [('output_image', 'roi_file')]), (csf_msk, mrg_lbl, [('out', 'in1')]), (wm_tfm, wm_msk, [('output_image', 'roi_file')]), (wm_msk, mrg_lbl, [('out', 'in2')]), (inputnode, mrg_lbl, [('bold_mask', 'in3')]), (mrg_lbl, signals, [('out', 'label_files')]), # Collate computed confounds together (inputnode, add_header, [('movpar_file', 'in_file')]), (signals, concat, [('out_file', 'signals')]), (dvars, concat, [('out_all', 'dvars')]), (fdisp, concat, [('out_file', 'fd')]), (tcompcor, concat, [('components_file', 'tcompcor'), ('pre_filter_file', 'cos_basis')]), (acompcor, concat, [('components_file', 'acompcor')]), (add_header, concat, [('out_file', 'motion')]), # Set outputs (concat, outputnode, [('confounds_file', 'confounds_file')]), (inputnode, rois_plot, [('bold', 'in_file'), ('bold_mask', 'in_mask')]), (tcompcor, mrg_compcor, [('high_variance_masks', 'in1')]), (acc_msk, mrg_compcor, [('out', 'in2')]), (mrg_compcor, rois_plot, [('out', 'in_rois')]), (rois_plot, ds_report_bold_rois, [('out_report', 'in_file')]), ]) return workflow
def init_carpetplot_wf(mem_gb, metadata, name="bold_carpet_wf"): """ Resamples the MNI parcellation (ad-hoc parcellation derived from the Harvard-Oxford template and others). **Parameters** mem_gb : float Size of BOLD file in GB - please note that this size should be calculated after resamplings that may extend the FoV metadata : dict BIDS metadata for BOLD file name : str Name of workflow (default: ``bold_carpet_wf``) **Inputs** bold BOLD image, after the prescribed corrections (STC, HMC and SDC) when available. bold_mask BOLD series mask confounds_file TSV of all aggregated confounds t1_bold_xform Affine matrix that maps the T1w space into alignment with the native BOLD space t1_2_mni_reverse_transform ANTs-compatible affine-and-warp transform file **Outputs** out_carpetplot Path of the generated SVG file """ inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['bold', 'bold_mask', 'confounds_file', 't1_bold_xform', 't1_2_mni_reverse_transform']), name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['out_carpetplot']), name='outputnode') # List transforms mrg_xfms = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), name='mrg_xfms') # Warp segmentation into EPI space resample_parc = pe.Node(ApplyTransforms( float=True, input_image=os.path.join( get_mni_icbm152_nlin_asym_09c(), '1mm_parc.nii.gz'), dimension=3, default_value=0, interpolation='MultiLabel'), name='resample_parc') # Carpetplot and confounds plot conf_plot = pe.Node(FMRISummary( tr=metadata['RepetitionTime'], confounds_list=[ ('GlobalSignal', None, 'GS'), ('CSF', None, 'GSCSF'), ('WhiteMatter', None, 'GSWM'), ('stdDVARS', None, 'DVARS'), ('FramewiseDisplacement', 'mm', 'FD')]), name='conf_plot', mem_gb=mem_gb) ds_report_bold_conf = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(suffix='carpetplot'), name='ds_report_bold_conf', run_without_submitting=True, mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, mrg_xfms, [('t1_bold_xform', 'in1'), ('t1_2_mni_reverse_transform', 'in2')]), (inputnode, resample_parc, [('bold_mask', 'reference_image')]), (mrg_xfms, resample_parc, [('out', 'transforms')]), # Carpetplot (inputnode, conf_plot, [ ('bold', 'in_func'), ('bold_mask', 'in_mask'), ('confounds_file', 'confounds_file')]), (resample_parc, conf_plot, [('output_image', 'in_segm')]), (conf_plot, ds_report_bold_conf, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (conf_plot, outputnode, [('out_file', 'out_carpetplot')]), ]) return workflow
[docs]def init_ica_aroma_wf(template, metadata, mem_gb, omp_nthreads, name='ica_aroma_wf', ignore_aroma_err=False, aroma_melodic_dim=None, use_fieldwarp=True): """ This workflow wraps `ICA-AROMA`_ to identify and remove motion-related independent components from a BOLD time series. The following steps are performed: #. Smooth data using SUSAN #. Run MELODIC outside of ICA-AROMA to generate the report #. Run ICA-AROMA #. Aggregate identified motion components (aggressive) to TSV #. Return classified_motion_ICs and melodic_mix for user to complete non-aggressive denoising in T1w space #. Calculate ICA-AROMA-identified noise components (columns named ``AROMAAggrCompXX``) Additionally, non-aggressive denoising is performed on the BOLD series resampled into MNI space. .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.bold.confounds import init_ica_aroma_wf wf = init_ica_aroma_wf(template='MNI152NLin2009cAsym', metadata={'RepetitionTime': 1.0}, mem_gb=3, omp_nthreads=1) **Parameters** template : str Spatial normalization template used as target when that registration step was previously calculated with :py:func:`~fmriprep.workflows.bold.registration.init_bold_reg_wf`. The template must be one of the MNI templates (fMRIPrep uses ``MNI152NLin2009cAsym`` by default). metadata : dict BIDS metadata for BOLD file mem_gb : float Size of BOLD file in GB omp_nthreads : int Maximum number of threads an individual process may use name : str Name of workflow (default: ``bold_mni_trans_wf``) use_fieldwarp : bool Include SDC warp in single-shot transform from BOLD to MNI ignore_aroma_err : bool Do not fail on ICA-AROMA errors aroma_melodic_dim: int or None Set the dimensionality of the Melodic ICA decomposition If None, MELODIC automatically estimates dimensionality. **Inputs** bold_mni BOLD series, resampled to template space movpar_file SPM-formatted motion parameters file bold_mask_mni BOLD series mask in template space **Outputs** aroma_confounds TSV of confounds identified as noise by ICA-AROMA aroma_noise_ics CSV of noise components identified by ICA-AROMA melodic_mix FSL MELODIC mixing matrix nonaggr_denoised_file BOLD series with non-aggressive ICA-AROMA denoising applied .. _ICA-AROMA: """ workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface( fields=[ 'itk_bold_to_t1', 't1_2_mni_forward_transform', 'name_source', 'bold_split', 'bold_mask', 'hmc_xforms', 'fieldwarp', 'movpar_file']), name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['aroma_confounds', 'aroma_noise_ics', 'melodic_mix', 'nonaggr_denoised_file']), name='outputnode') bold_mni_trans_wf = init_bold_mni_trans_wf( template=template, mem_gb=mem_gb, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, template_out_grid=os.path.join(get_mni_icbm152_linear(), '2mm_T1.nii.gz'), use_compression=False, use_fieldwarp=use_fieldwarp, name='bold_mni_trans_wf' ) calc_median_val = pe.Node(fsl.ImageStats(op_string='-k %s -p 50'), name='calc_median_val') calc_bold_mean = pe.Node(fsl.MeanImage(), name='calc_bold_mean') def _getusans_func(image, thresh): return [tuple([image, thresh])] getusans = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_getusans_func, output_names=['usans']), name='getusans', mem_gb=0.01) smooth = pe.Node(fsl.SUSAN(fwhm=6.0), name='smooth') # melodic node melodic = pe.Node(fsl.MELODIC( no_bet=True, tr_sec=float(metadata['RepetitionTime']), mm_thresh=0.5, out_stats=True), name="melodic") if aroma_melodic_dim is not None: melodic.inputs.dim = aroma_melodic_dim # ica_aroma node ica_aroma = pe.Node(ICA_AROMARPT( denoise_type='nonaggr', generate_report=True, TR=metadata['RepetitionTime']), name='ica_aroma') # extract the confound ICs from the results ica_aroma_confound_extraction = pe.Node(ICAConfounds(ignore_aroma_err=ignore_aroma_err), name='ica_aroma_confound_extraction') ds_report_ica_aroma = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(suffix='ica_aroma'), name='ds_report_ica_aroma', run_without_submitting=True, mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) def _getbtthresh(medianval): return 0.75 * medianval # connect the nodes workflow.connect([ (inputnode, bold_mni_trans_wf, [ ('name_source', 'inputnode.name_source'), ('bold_split', 'inputnode.bold_split'), ('bold_mask', 'inputnode.bold_mask'), ('hmc_xforms', 'inputnode.hmc_xforms'), ('itk_bold_to_t1', 'inputnode.itk_bold_to_t1'), ('t1_2_mni_forward_transform', 'inputnode.t1_2_mni_forward_transform'), ('fieldwarp', 'inputnode.fieldwarp')]), (inputnode, ica_aroma, [('movpar_file', 'motion_parameters')]), (bold_mni_trans_wf, calc_median_val, [ ('outputnode.bold_mni', 'in_file'), ('outputnode.bold_mask_mni', 'mask_file')]), (bold_mni_trans_wf, calc_bold_mean, [ ('outputnode.bold_mni', 'in_file')]), (calc_bold_mean, getusans, [('out_file', 'image')]), (calc_median_val, getusans, [('out_stat', 'thresh')]), # Connect input nodes to complete smoothing (bold_mni_trans_wf, smooth, [ ('outputnode.bold_mni', 'in_file')]), (getusans, smooth, [('usans', 'usans')]), (calc_median_val, smooth, [(('out_stat', _getbtthresh), 'brightness_threshold')]), # connect smooth to melodic (smooth, melodic, [('smoothed_file', 'in_files')]), (bold_mni_trans_wf, melodic, [ ('outputnode.bold_mask_mni', 'mask')]), # connect nodes to ICA-AROMA (smooth, ica_aroma, [('smoothed_file', 'in_file')]), (bold_mni_trans_wf, ica_aroma, [ ('outputnode.bold_mask_mni', 'report_mask')]), (melodic, ica_aroma, [('out_dir', 'melodic_dir')]), # generate tsvs from ICA-AROMA (ica_aroma, ica_aroma_confound_extraction, [('out_dir', 'in_directory')]), # output for processing and reporting (ica_aroma_confound_extraction, outputnode, [('aroma_confounds', 'aroma_confounds'), ('aroma_noise_ics', 'aroma_noise_ics'), ('melodic_mix', 'melodic_mix')]), # TODO change melodic report to reflect noise and non-noise components (ica_aroma, outputnode, [('nonaggr_denoised_file', 'nonaggr_denoised_file')]), (ica_aroma, ds_report_ica_aroma, [('out_report', 'in_file')]), ]) return workflow
def _maskroi(in_mask, roi_file): import numpy as np import nibabel as nb from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix roi = nb.load(roi_file) roidata = roi.get_data().astype(np.uint8) msk = nb.load(in_mask).get_data().astype(bool) roidata[~msk] = 0 roi.set_data_dtype(np.uint8) out = fname_presuffix(roi_file, suffix='_boldmsk') roi.__class__(roidata, roi.affine, roi.header).to_filename(out) return out