Source code for fmriprep.workflows.base

#!/usr/bin/env python
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fMRIprep base processing workflows

.. autofunction:: init_fmriprep_wf
.. autofunction:: init_single_subject_wf


import sys
import os
from copy import deepcopy

from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from nipype.interfaces import utility as niu

from ..interfaces import (
    BIDSDataGrabber, BIDSFreeSurferDir, BIDSInfo, SubjectSummary, AboutSummary,
from ..utils.bids import collect_data
from ..utils.misc import fix_multi_T1w_source_name
from import __version__

from .anatomical import init_anat_preproc_wf
from .bold import init_func_preproc_wf

[docs]def init_fmriprep_wf(subject_list, task_id, run_uuid, ignore, debug, low_mem, anat_only, longitudinal, t2s_coreg, omp_nthreads, skull_strip_template, work_dir, output_dir, bids_dir, freesurfer, output_spaces, template, medial_surface_nan, cifti_output, hires, use_bbr, bold2t1w_dof, fmap_bspline, fmap_demean, use_syn, force_syn, use_aroma, ignore_aroma_err, aroma_melodic_dim, template_out_grid): """ This workflow organizes the execution of FMRIPREP, with a sub-workflow for each subject. If FreeSurfer's recon-all is to be run, a FreeSurfer derivatives folder is created and populated with any needed template subjects. .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes import os os.environ['FREESURFER_HOME'] = os.getcwd() from fmriprep.workflows.base import init_fmriprep_wf wf = init_fmriprep_wf(subject_list=['fmripreptest'], task_id='', run_uuid='X', ignore=[], debug=False, low_mem=False, anat_only=False, longitudinal=False, t2s_coreg=False, omp_nthreads=1, skull_strip_template='OASIS', work_dir='.', output_dir='.', bids_dir='.', freesurfer=True, output_spaces=['T1w', 'fsnative', 'template', 'fsaverage5'], template='MNI152NLin2009cAsym', medial_surface_nan=False, cifti_output=False, hires=True, use_bbr=True, bold2t1w_dof=9, fmap_bspline=False, fmap_demean=True, use_syn=True, force_syn=True, use_aroma=False, ignore_aroma_err=False, aroma_melodic_dim=None, template_out_grid='native') Parameters subject_list : list List of subject labels task_id : str or None Task ID of BOLD series to preprocess, or ``None`` to preprocess all run_uuid : str Unique identifier for execution instance ignore : list Preprocessing steps to skip (may include "slicetiming", "fieldmaps") debug : bool Enable debugging outputs low_mem : bool Write uncompressed .nii files in some cases to reduce memory usage anat_only : bool Disable functional workflows longitudinal : bool Treat multiple sessions as longitudinal (may increase runtime) See sub-workflows for specific differences t2s_coreg : bool Use multiple BOLD echos to create T2*-map for T2*-driven coregistration omp_nthreads : int Maximum number of threads an individual process may use skull_strip_template : str Name of ANTs skull-stripping template ('OASIS' or 'NKI') work_dir : str Directory in which to store workflow execution state and temporary files output_dir : str Directory in which to save derivatives bids_dir : str Root directory of BIDS dataset freesurfer : bool Enable FreeSurfer surface reconstruction (may increase runtime) output_spaces : list List of output spaces functional images are to be resampled to. Some parts of pipeline will only be instantiated for some output spaces. Valid spaces: - T1w - template - fsnative - fsaverage (or other pre-existing FreeSurfer templates) template : str Name of template targeted by ``template`` output space medial_surface_nan : bool Replace medial wall values with NaNs on functional GIFTI files cifti_output : bool Generate bold CIFTI file in output spaces hires : bool Enable sub-millimeter preprocessing in FreeSurfer use_bbr : bool or None Enable/disable boundary-based registration refinement. If ``None``, test BBR result for distortion before accepting. bold2t1w_dof : 6, 9 or 12 Degrees-of-freedom for BOLD-T1w registration fmap_bspline : bool **Experimental**: Fit B-Spline field using least-squares fmap_demean : bool Demean voxel-shift map during unwarp use_syn : bool **Experimental**: Enable ANTs SyN-based susceptibility distortion correction (SDC). If fieldmaps are present and enabled, this is not run, by default. force_syn : bool **Temporary**: Always run SyN-based SDC use_aroma : bool Perform ICA-AROMA on MNI-resampled functional series ignore_aroma_err : bool Do not fail on ICA-AROMA errors template_out_grid : str Keyword ('native', '1mm' or '2mm') or path of custom reference image for normalization """ fmriprep_wf = pe.Workflow(name='fmriprep_wf') fmriprep_wf.base_dir = work_dir if freesurfer: fsdir = pe.Node( BIDSFreeSurferDir( derivatives=output_dir, freesurfer_home=os.getenv('FREESURFER_HOME'), spaces=output_spaces), name='fsdir', run_without_submitting=True) reportlets_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'reportlets') for subject_id in subject_list: single_subject_wf = init_single_subject_wf(subject_id=subject_id, task_id=task_id, name="single_subject_" + subject_id + "_wf", ignore=ignore, debug=debug, low_mem=low_mem, anat_only=anat_only, longitudinal=longitudinal, t2s_coreg=t2s_coreg, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, skull_strip_template=skull_strip_template, reportlets_dir=reportlets_dir, output_dir=output_dir, bids_dir=bids_dir, freesurfer=freesurfer, output_spaces=output_spaces, template=template, medial_surface_nan=medial_surface_nan, cifti_output=cifti_output, hires=hires, use_bbr=use_bbr, bold2t1w_dof=bold2t1w_dof, fmap_bspline=fmap_bspline, fmap_demean=fmap_demean, use_syn=use_syn, force_syn=force_syn, template_out_grid=template_out_grid, use_aroma=use_aroma, aroma_melodic_dim=aroma_melodic_dim, ignore_aroma_err=ignore_aroma_err) single_subject_wf.config['execution']['crashdump_dir'] = ( os.path.join(output_dir, "fmriprep", "sub-" + subject_id, 'log', run_uuid) ) for node in single_subject_wf._get_all_nodes(): node.config = deepcopy(single_subject_wf.config) if freesurfer: fmriprep_wf.connect(fsdir, 'subjects_dir', single_subject_wf, 'inputnode.subjects_dir') else: fmriprep_wf.add_nodes([single_subject_wf]) return fmriprep_wf
[docs]def init_single_subject_wf(subject_id, task_id, name, ignore, debug, low_mem, anat_only, longitudinal, t2s_coreg, omp_nthreads, skull_strip_template, reportlets_dir, output_dir, bids_dir, freesurfer, output_spaces, template, medial_surface_nan, cifti_output, hires, use_bbr, bold2t1w_dof, fmap_bspline, fmap_demean, use_syn, force_syn, template_out_grid, use_aroma, aroma_melodic_dim, ignore_aroma_err): """ This workflow organizes the preprocessing pipeline for a single subject. It collects and reports information about the subject, and prepares sub-workflows to perform anatomical and functional preprocessing. Anatomical preprocessing is performed in a single workflow, regardless of the number of sessions. Functional preprocessing is performed using a separate workflow for each individual BOLD series. .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.base import init_single_subject_wf wf = init_single_subject_wf(subject_id='test', name='single_subject_wf', task_id='', longitudinal=False, t2s_coreg=False, omp_nthreads=1, freesurfer=True, reportlets_dir='.', output_dir='.', bids_dir='.', skull_strip_template='OASIS', template='MNI152NLin2009cAsym', output_spaces=['T1w', 'fsnative', 'template', 'fsaverage5'], medial_surface_nan=False, cifti_output=False, ignore=[], debug=False, low_mem=False, anat_only=False, hires=True, use_bbr=True, bold2t1w_dof=9, fmap_bspline=False, fmap_demean=True, use_syn=True, force_syn=True, template_out_grid='native', use_aroma=False, aroma_melodic_dim=None, ignore_aroma_err=False) Parameters subject_id : str List of subject labels task_id : str or None Task ID of BOLD series to preprocess, or ``None`` to preprocess all name : str Name of workflow ignore : list Preprocessing steps to skip (may include "slicetiming", "fieldmaps") debug : bool Enable debugging outputs low_mem : bool Write uncompressed .nii files in some cases to reduce memory usage anat_only : bool Disable functional workflows longitudinal : bool Treat multiple sessions as longitudinal (may increase runtime) See sub-workflows for specific differences t2s_coreg : bool Use multiple BOLDS echos to create T2*-map for T2*-driven coregistration omp_nthreads : int Maximum number of threads an individual process may use skull_strip_template : str Name of ANTs skull-stripping template ('OASIS' or 'NKI') reportlets_dir : str Directory in which to save reportlets output_dir : str Directory in which to save derivatives bids_dir : str Root directory of BIDS dataset freesurfer : bool Enable FreeSurfer surface reconstruction (may increase runtime) output_spaces : list List of output spaces functional images are to be resampled to. Some parts of pipeline will only be instantiated for some output spaces. Valid spaces: - T1w - template - fsnative - fsaverage (or other pre-existing FreeSurfer templates) template : str Name of template targeted by ``template`` output space medial_surface_nan : bool Replace medial wall values with NaNs on functional GIFTI files cifti_output : bool Generate bold CIFTI file in output spaces hires : bool Enable sub-millimeter preprocessing in FreeSurfer use_bbr : bool or None Enable/disable boundary-based registration refinement. If ``None``, test BBR result for distortion before accepting. bold2t1w_dof : 6, 9 or 12 Degrees-of-freedom for BOLD-T1w registration fmap_bspline : bool **Experimental**: Fit B-Spline field using least-squares fmap_demean : bool Demean voxel-shift map during unwarp use_syn : bool **Experimental**: Enable ANTs SyN-based susceptibility distortion correction (SDC). If fieldmaps are present and enabled, this is not run, by default. force_syn : bool **Temporary**: Always run SyN-based SDC template_out_grid : str Keyword ('native', '1mm' or '2mm') or path of custom reference image for normalization use_aroma : bool Perform ICA-AROMA on MNI-resampled functional series ignore_aroma_err : bool Do not fail on ICA-AROMA errors Inputs subjects_dir FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR """ if name in ('single_subject_wf', 'single_subject_fmripreptest_wf'): # for documentation purposes subject_data = { 't1w': ['/completely/made/up/path/sub-01_T1w.nii.gz'], 'bold': ['/completely/made/up/path/sub-01_task-nback_bold.nii.gz'] } layout = None else: subject_data, layout = collect_data(bids_dir, subject_id, task_id) # Make sure we always go through these two checks if not anat_only and subject_data['bold'] == []: raise Exception("No BOLD images found for participant {} and task {}. " "All workflows require BOLD images.".format( subject_id, task_id if task_id else '<all>')) if not subject_data['t1w']: raise Exception("No T1w images found for participant {}. " "All workflows require T1w images.".format(subject_id)) workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['subjects_dir']), name='inputnode') bidssrc = pe.Node(BIDSDataGrabber(subject_data=subject_data, anat_only=anat_only), name='bidssrc') bids_info = pe.Node(BIDSInfo(), name='bids_info', run_without_submitting=True) summary = pe.Node(SubjectSummary(output_spaces=output_spaces, template=template), name='summary', run_without_submitting=True) about = pe.Node(AboutSummary(version=__version__, command=' '.join(sys.argv)), name='about', run_without_submitting=True) ds_report_summary = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=reportlets_dir, suffix='summary'), name='ds_report_summary', run_without_submitting=True) ds_report_about = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=reportlets_dir, suffix='about'), name='ds_report_about', run_without_submitting=True) # Preprocessing of T1w (includes registration to MNI) anat_preproc_wf = init_anat_preproc_wf(name="anat_preproc_wf", skull_strip_template=skull_strip_template, output_spaces=output_spaces, template=template, debug=debug, longitudinal=longitudinal, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, freesurfer=freesurfer, hires=hires, reportlets_dir=reportlets_dir, output_dir=output_dir, num_t1w=len(subject_data['t1w'])) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, anat_preproc_wf, [('subjects_dir', 'inputnode.subjects_dir')]), (bidssrc, bids_info, [(('t1w', fix_multi_T1w_source_name), 'in_file')]), (inputnode, summary, [('subjects_dir', 'subjects_dir')]), (bidssrc, summary, [('t1w', 't1w'), ('t2w', 't2w'), ('bold', 'bold')]), (bids_info, summary, [('subject_id', 'subject_id')]), (bidssrc, anat_preproc_wf, [('t1w', 'inputnode.t1w'), ('t2w', 'inputnode.t2w'), ('roi', 'inputnode.roi'), ('flair', 'inputnode.flair')]), (summary, anat_preproc_wf, [('subject_id', 'inputnode.subject_id')]), (bidssrc, ds_report_summary, [(('t1w', fix_multi_T1w_source_name), 'source_file')]), (summary, ds_report_summary, [('out_report', 'in_file')]), (bidssrc, ds_report_about, [(('t1w', fix_multi_T1w_source_name), 'source_file')]), (about, ds_report_about, [('out_report', 'in_file')]), ]) if anat_only: return workflow for bold_file in subject_data['bold']: func_preproc_wf = init_func_preproc_wf(bold_file=bold_file, layout=layout, ignore=ignore, freesurfer=freesurfer, use_bbr=use_bbr, t2s_coreg=t2s_coreg, bold2t1w_dof=bold2t1w_dof, reportlets_dir=reportlets_dir, output_spaces=output_spaces, template=template, medial_surface_nan=medial_surface_nan, cifti_output=cifti_output, output_dir=output_dir, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, low_mem=low_mem, fmap_bspline=fmap_bspline, fmap_demean=fmap_demean, use_syn=use_syn, force_syn=force_syn, debug=debug, template_out_grid=template_out_grid, use_aroma=use_aroma, aroma_melodic_dim=aroma_melodic_dim, ignore_aroma_err=ignore_aroma_err) workflow.connect([ (anat_preproc_wf, func_preproc_wf, [('outputnode.t1_preproc', 'inputnode.t1_preproc'), ('outputnode.t1_brain', 'inputnode.t1_brain'), ('outputnode.t1_mask', 'inputnode.t1_mask'), ('outputnode.t1_seg', 'inputnode.t1_seg'), ('outputnode.t1_aseg', 'inputnode.t1_aseg'), ('outputnode.t1_aparc', 'inputnode.t1_aparc'), ('outputnode.t1_tpms', 'inputnode.t1_tpms'), ('outputnode.t1_2_mni_forward_transform', 'inputnode.t1_2_mni_forward_transform'), ('outputnode.t1_2_mni_reverse_transform', 'inputnode.t1_2_mni_reverse_transform'), # Undefined if --no-freesurfer, but this is safe ('outputnode.subjects_dir', 'inputnode.subjects_dir'), ('outputnode.subject_id', 'inputnode.subject_id'), ('outputnode.t1_2_fsnative_forward_transform', 'inputnode.t1_2_fsnative_forward_transform'), ('outputnode.t1_2_fsnative_reverse_transform', 'inputnode.t1_2_fsnative_reverse_transform')]), ]) return workflow