Source code for fmriprep.interfaces.fmap

#!/usr/bin/env python
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Interfaces to deal with the various types of fieldmap sources

    .. testsetup::

        >>> tmpdir = getfixture('tmpdir')
        >>> tmp = tmpdir.chdir() # changing to a temporary directory
        >>> nb.Nifti1Image(np.zeros((90, 90, 60)), None, None).to_filename(
        ...     tmpdir.join('epi.nii.gz').strpath)


import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb
from nipype import logging
from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix
from nipype.interfaces.base import (
    BaseInterfaceInputSpec, TraitedSpec, File, isdefined, traits,

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('nipype.interface')

class FieldEnhanceInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc='input fieldmap')
    in_mask = File(exists=True, desc='brain mask')
    in_magnitude = File(exists=True, desc='input magnitude')
    unwrap = traits.Bool(False, usedefault=True, desc='run phase unwrap')
    despike = traits.Bool(True, usedefault=True, desc='run despike filter')
    bspline_smooth = traits.Bool(True, usedefault=True, desc='run 3D bspline smoother')
    mask_erode = traits.Int(1, usedefault=True, desc='mask erosion iterations')
    despike_threshold = traits.Float(0.2, usedefault=True, desc='mask erosion iterations')
    num_threads = traits.Int(1, usedefault=True, nohash=True, desc='number of jobs')

class FieldEnhanceOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
    out_file = File(desc='the output fieldmap')
    out_unwrapped = File(desc='unwrapped fieldmap')

class FieldEnhance(SimpleInterface):
    The FieldEnhance interface wraps a workflow to massage the input fieldmap
    and return it masked, despiked, etc.
    input_spec = FieldEnhanceInputSpec
    output_spec = FieldEnhanceOutputSpec

    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        from scipy import ndimage as sim

        fmap_nii = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file)
        data = np.squeeze(fmap_nii.get_data().astype(np.float32))

        # Despike / denoise (no-mask)
        if self.inputs.despike:
            data = _despike2d(data, self.inputs.despike_threshold)

        mask = None
        if isdefined(self.inputs.in_mask):
            masknii = nb.load(self.inputs.in_mask)
            mask = masknii.get_data().astype(np.uint8)

            # Dilate mask
            if self.inputs.mask_erode > 0:
                struc = sim.iterate_structure(sim.generate_binary_structure(3, 2), 1)
                mask = sim.binary_erosion(
                    mask, struc,
                ).astype(np.uint8)  # pylint: disable=no-member

        self._results['out_file'] = fname_presuffix(
            self.inputs.in_file, suffix='_enh', newpath=runtime.cwd)
        datanii = nb.Nifti1Image(data, fmap_nii.affine, fmap_nii.header)

        if self.inputs.unwrap:
            data = _unwrap(data, self.inputs.in_magnitude, mask)
            self._results['out_unwrapped'] = fname_presuffix(
                self.inputs.in_file, suffix='_unwrap', newpath=runtime.cwd)
            nb.Nifti1Image(data, fmap_nii.affine, fmap_nii.header).to_filename(

        if not self.inputs.bspline_smooth:
            return runtime
            from ..utils import bspline as fbsp
            from statsmodels.robust.scale import mad

            # Fit BSplines (coarse)
            bspobj = fbsp.BSplineFieldmap(datanii, weights=mask,
            smoothed1 = bspobj.get_smoothed()

            # Manipulate the difference map
            diffmap = data - smoothed1.get_data()
            sderror = mad(diffmap[mask > 0])
  'SD of error after B-Spline fitting is %f', sderror)
            errormask = np.zeros_like(diffmap)
            errormask[np.abs(diffmap) > (10 * sderror)] = 1
            errormask *= mask

            nslices = 0
                errorslice = np.squeeze(np.argwhere(errormask.sum(0).sum(0) > 0))
                nslices = errorslice[-1] - errorslice[0]
            except IndexError:  # mask is empty, do not refine

            if nslices > 1:
                diffmapmsk = mask[..., errorslice[0]:errorslice[-1]]
                diffmapnii = nb.Nifti1Image(
                    diffmap[..., errorslice[0]:errorslice[-1]] * diffmapmsk,
                    datanii.affine, datanii.header)

                bspobj2 = fbsp.BSplineFieldmap(diffmapnii, knots_zooms=[24., 24., 4.],
                smoothed2 = bspobj2.get_smoothed().get_data()

                final = smoothed1.get_data().copy()
                final[..., errorslice[0]:errorslice[-1]] += smoothed2
                final = smoothed1.get_data()

            nb.Nifti1Image(final, datanii.affine, datanii.header).to_filename(

        return runtime

class FieldToRadSInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc='input fieldmap')
    fmap_range = traits.Float(desc='range of input field map')

class FieldToRadSOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
    out_file = File(desc='the output fieldmap')
    fmap_range = traits.Float(desc='range of input field map')

class FieldToRadS(SimpleInterface):
    The FieldToRadS converts from arbitrary units to rad/s
    input_spec = FieldToRadSInputSpec
    output_spec = FieldToRadSOutputSpec

    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        fmap_range = None
        if isdefined(self.inputs.fmap_range):
            fmap_range = self.inputs.fmap_range
        self._results['out_file'], self._results['fmap_range'] = _torads(
            self.inputs.in_file, fmap_range, newpath=runtime.cwd)
        return runtime

class FieldToHzInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc='input fieldmap')
    range_hz = traits.Float(mandatory=True, desc='range of input field map')

class FieldToHzOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
    out_file = File(desc='the output fieldmap')

class FieldToHz(SimpleInterface):
    The FieldToHz converts from arbitrary units to Hz
    input_spec = FieldToHzInputSpec
    output_spec = FieldToHzOutputSpec

    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        self._results['out_file'] = _tohz(
            self.inputs.in_file, self.inputs.range_hz, newpath=runtime.cwd)
        return runtime

class Phasediff2FieldmapInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc='input fieldmap')
    metadata = traits.Dict(mandatory=True, desc='BIDS metadata dictionary')

class Phasediff2FieldmapOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
    out_file = File(desc='the output fieldmap')

class Phasediff2Fieldmap(SimpleInterface):
    Convert a phase difference map into a fieldmap in Hz
    input_spec = Phasediff2FieldmapInputSpec
    output_spec = Phasediff2FieldmapOutputSpec

    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        self._results['out_file'] = phdiff2fmap(
        return runtime

def _despike2d(data, thres, neigh=None):
    despiking as done in FSL fugue

    if neigh is None:
        neigh = [-1, 0, 1]
    nslices = data.shape[-1]

    for k in range(nslices):
        data2d = data[..., k]

        for i in range(data2d.shape[0]):
            for j in range(data2d.shape[1]):
                vals = []
                thisval = data2d[i, j]
                for ii in neigh:
                    for jj in neigh:
                            vals.append(data2d[i + ii, j + jj])
                        except IndexError:
                vals = np.array(vals)
                patch_range = vals.max() - vals.min()
                patch_med = np.median(vals)

                if (patch_range > 1e-6 and
                        (abs(thisval - patch_med) / patch_range) > thres):
                    data[i, j, k] = patch_med
    return data

def _unwrap(fmap_data, mag_file, mask=None):
    from math import pi
    from nipype.interfaces.fsl import PRELUDE
    magnii = nb.load(mag_file)

    if mask is None:
        mask = np.ones_like(fmap_data, dtype=np.uint8)

    fmapmax = max(abs(fmap_data[mask > 0].min()), fmap_data[mask > 0].max())
    fmap_data *= pi / fmapmax

    nb.Nifti1Image(fmap_data, magnii.affine).to_filename('fmap_rad.nii.gz')
    nb.Nifti1Image(mask, magnii.affine).to_filename('fmap_mask.nii.gz')
    nb.Nifti1Image(magnii.get_data(), magnii.affine).to_filename('fmap_mag.nii.gz')

    # Run prelude
    res = PRELUDE(phase_file='fmap_rad.nii.gz',

    unwrapped = nb.load(res.outputs.unwrapped_phase_file).get_data() * (fmapmax / pi)
    return unwrapped

[docs]def get_ees(in_meta, in_file=None): """ Calculate the *effective echo spacing* :math:`t_\\text{ees}` for an input :abbr:`EPI (echo-planar imaging)` scan. There are several procedures to calculate the effective echo spacing. The basic one is that an ``EffectiveEchoSpacing`` field is set in the JSON sidecar. The following examples use an ``'epi.nii.gz'`` file-stub which has 90 pixels in the j-axis encoding direction. >>> meta = {'EffectiveEchoSpacing': 0.00059, ... 'PhaseEncodingDirection': 'j-'} >>> get_ees(meta) 0.00059 If the *total readout time* :math:`T_\\text{ro}` (``TotalReadoutTime`` BIDS field) is provided, then the effective echo spacing can be calculated reading the number of voxels :math:`N_\\text{PE}` along the readout direction and the parallel acceleration factor of the EPI .. math :: = T_\\text{ro} \\, (N_\\text{PE} / f_\\text{acc} - 1)^{-1} where :math:`N_y` is the number of pixels along the phase-encoding direction :math:`y`, and :math:`f_\\text{acc}` is the parallel imaging acceleration factor (:abbr:`GRAPPA (GeneRalized Autocalibrating Partial Parallel Acquisition)`, :abbr:`ARC (Autocalibrating Reconstruction for Cartesian imaging)`, etc.). >>> meta = {'TotalReadoutTime': 0.02596, ... 'PhaseEncodingDirection': 'j-', ... 'ParallelReductionFactorInPlane': 2} >>> get_ees(meta, in_file='epi.nii.gz') 0.00059 Some vendors, like Philips, store different parameter names (see\ 20141112/eb1d20e6/attachment.pdf): >>> meta = {'WaterFatShift': 8.129, ... 'MagneticFieldStrength': 3, ... 'PhaseEncodingDirection': 'j-', ... 'ParallelReductionFactorInPlane': 2} >>> get_ees(meta, in_file='epi.nii.gz') 0.00041602630141921826 """ import nibabel as nb from fmriprep.interfaces.fmap import _get_pe_index # Use case 1: EES is defined ees = in_meta.get('EffectiveEchoSpacing', None) if ees is not None: return ees # All other cases require the parallel acc and npe (N vox in PE dir) acc = float(in_meta.get('ParallelReductionFactorInPlane', 1.0)) npe = nb.load(in_file).shape[_get_pe_index(in_meta)] etl = npe // acc # Use case 2: TRT is defined trt = in_meta.get('TotalReadoutTime', None) if trt is not None: return trt / (etl - 1) # Use case 3 (philips scans) wfs = in_meta.get('WaterFatShift', None) if wfs is not None: fstrength = in_meta['MagneticFieldStrength'] wfd_ppm = 3.4 # water-fat diff in ppm g_ratio_mhz_t = 42.57 # gyromagnetic ratio for proton (1H) in MHz/T wfs_hz = fstrength * wfd_ppm * g_ratio_mhz_t return wfs / (wfs_hz * etl) raise ValueError('Unknown effective echo-spacing specification')
[docs]def get_trt(in_meta, in_file=None): """ Calculate the *total readout time* for an input :abbr:`EPI (echo-planar imaging)` scan. There are several procedures to calculate the total readout time. The basic one is that a ``TotalReadoutTime`` field is set in the JSON sidecar. The following examples use an ``'epi.nii.gz'`` file-stub which has 90 pixels in the j-axis encoding direction. >>> meta = {'TotalReadoutTime': 0.02596} >>> get_trt(meta) 0.02596 If the *effective echo spacing* :math:`t_\\text{ees}` (``EffectiveEchoSpacing`` BIDS field) is provided, then the total readout time can be calculated reading the number of voxels along the readout direction :math:`T_\\text{ro}` and the parallel acceleration factor of the EPI :math:`f_\\text{acc}`. .. math :: T_\\text{ro} = t_\\text{ees} \\, (N_\\text{PE} / f_\\text{acc} - 1) >>> meta = {'EffectiveEchoSpacing': 0.00059, ... 'PhaseEncodingDirection': 'j-', ... 'ParallelReductionFactorInPlane': 2} >>> get_trt(meta, in_file='epi.nii.gz') 0.02596 Some vendors, like Philips, store different parameter names: >>> meta = {'WaterFatShift': 8.129, ... 'MagneticFieldStrength': 3, ... 'PhaseEncodingDirection': 'j-', ... 'ParallelReductionFactorInPlane': 2} >>> get_trt(meta, in_file='epi.nii.gz') 0.018721183563864822 """ # Use case 1: TRT is defined trt = in_meta.get('TotalReadoutTime', None) if trt is not None: return trt # All other cases require the parallel acc and npe (N vox in PE dir) acc = float(in_meta.get('ParallelReductionFactorInPlane', 1.0)) npe = nb.load(in_file).shape[_get_pe_index(in_meta)] etl = npe // acc # Use case 2: TRT is defined ees = in_meta.get('EffectiveEchoSpacing', None) if ees is not None: return ees * (etl - 1) # Use case 3 (philips scans) wfs = in_meta.get('WaterFatShift', None) if wfs is not None: fstrength = in_meta['MagneticFieldStrength'] wfd_ppm = 3.4 # water-fat diff in ppm g_ratio_mhz_t = 42.57 # gyromagnetic ratio for proton (1H) in MHz/T wfs_hz = fstrength * wfd_ppm * g_ratio_mhz_t return wfs / wfs_hz raise ValueError('Unknown total-readout time specification')
def _get_pe_index(meta): pe = meta['PhaseEncodingDirection'] try: return {'i': 0, 'j': 1, 'k': 2}[pe[0]] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError('"%s" is an invalid PE string' % pe) def _torads(in_file, fmap_range=None, newpath=None): """ Convert a field map to rad/s units If fmap_range is None, the range of the fieldmap will be automatically calculated. Use fmap_range=0.5 to convert from Hz to rad/s """ from math import pi import nibabel as nb from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix out_file = fname_presuffix(in_file, suffix='_rad', newpath=newpath) fmapnii = nb.load(in_file) fmapdata = fmapnii.get_data() if fmap_range is None: fmap_range = max(abs(fmapdata.min()), fmapdata.max()) fmapdata = fmapdata * (pi / fmap_range) out_img = nb.Nifti1Image(fmapdata, fmapnii.affine, fmapnii.header) out_img.set_data_dtype('float32') out_img.to_filename(out_file) return out_file, fmap_range def _tohz(in_file, range_hz, newpath=None): """Convert a field map to Hz units""" from math import pi import nibabel as nb from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix out_file = fname_presuffix(in_file, suffix='_hz', newpath=newpath) fmapnii = nb.load(in_file) fmapdata = fmapnii.get_data() fmapdata = fmapdata * (range_hz / pi) out_img = nb.Nifti1Image(fmapdata, fmapnii.affine, fmapnii.header) out_img.set_data_dtype('float32') out_img.to_filename(out_file) return out_file
[docs]def phdiff2fmap(in_file, delta_te, newpath=None): r""" Converts the input phase-difference map into a fieldmap in Hz, using the eq. (1) of [Hutton2002]_: .. math:: \Delta B_0 (\text{T}^{-1}) = \frac{\Delta \Theta}{2\pi\gamma \Delta\text{TE}} In this case, we do not take into account the gyromagnetic ratio of the proton (:math:`\gamma`), since it will be applied inside TOPUP: .. math:: \Delta B_0 (\text{Hz}) = \frac{\Delta \Theta}{2\pi \Delta\text{TE}} """ import math import numpy as np import nibabel as nb from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix # GYROMAG_RATIO_H_PROTON_MHZ = 42.576 out_file = fname_presuffix(in_file, suffix='_fmap', newpath=newpath) image = nb.load(in_file) data = (image.get_data().astype(np.float32) / (2. * math.pi * delta_te)) nii = nb.Nifti1Image(data, image.affine, image.header) nii.set_data_dtype(np.float32) nii.to_filename(out_file) return out_file
def _delta_te(in_values, te1=None, te2=None): """Read :math:`\Delta_\text{TE}` from BIDS metadata dict""" if isinstance(in_values, float): te2 = in_values te1 = 0. if isinstance(in_values, dict): te1 = in_values.get('EchoTime1') te2 = in_values.get('EchoTime2') if not all((te1, te2)): te2 = in_values.get('EchoTimeDifference') te1 = 0 if isinstance(in_values, list): te2, te1 = in_values if isinstance(te1, list): te1 = te1[1] if isinstance(te2, list): te2 = te2[1] if te1 is None or te2 is None: raise RuntimeError( 'No echo time information found') return abs(float(te2) - float(te1))