Source code for fmriprep.workflows.bold.confounds

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Calculate BOLD confounds

.. autofunction:: init_bold_confs_wf
.. autofunction:: init_ica_aroma_wf

from niworkflows.nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from niworkflows.nipype.interfaces import utility as niu, fsl
from niworkflows.nipype.interfaces.nilearn import SignalExtraction
from niworkflows.nipype.algorithms import confounds as nac

from niworkflows.interfaces import segmentation as nws
from niworkflows.interfaces.masks import ACompCorRPT, TCompCorRPT
from niworkflows.interfaces.fixes import FixHeaderApplyTransforms as ApplyTransforms

from ...interfaces import (
    TPM2ROI, AddTPMs, AddTSVHeader, GatherConfounds, ICAConfounds

[docs]def init_bold_confs_wf(mem_gb, use_aroma, ignore_aroma_err, metadata, name="bold_confs_wf"): """ This workflow calculates confounds for a BOLD series, and aggregates them into a :abbr:`TSV (tab-separated value)` file, for use as nuisance regressors in a :abbr:`GLM (general linear model)`. The following confounds are calculated, with column headings in parentheses: #. Region-wise average signal (``CSF``, ``WhiteMatter``, ``GlobalSignal``) #. DVARS - standard, nonstandard, and voxel-wise standard variants (``stdDVARS``, ``non-stdDVARS``, ``vx-wisestdDVARS``) #. Framewise displacement, based on MCFLIRT motion parameters (``FramewiseDisplacement``) #. Temporal CompCor (``tCompCorXX``) #. Anatomical CompCor (``aCompCorXX``) #. Cosine basis set for high-pass filtering w/ 0.008 Hz cut-off (``CosineXX``) #. Non-steady-state volumes (``NonSteadyStateXX``) #. Estimated head-motion parameters, in mm and rad (``X``, ``Y``, ``Z``, ``RotX``, ``RotY``, ``RotZ``) #. ICA-AROMA-identified noise components, if enabled (``AROMAAggrCompXX``) Prior to estimating aCompCor and tCompCor, non-steady-state volumes are censored and high-pass filtered using a :abbr:`DCT (discrete cosine transform)` basis. The cosine basis, as well as one regressor per censored volume, are included for convenience. .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.bold.confounds import init_bold_confs_wf wf = init_bold_confs_wf( mem_gb=1, use_aroma=True, ignore_aroma_err=True, metadata={}) **Parameters** mem_gb : float Size of BOLD file in GB - please note that this size should be calculated after resamplings that may extend the FoV use_aroma : bool Perform ICA-AROMA on MNI-resampled functional series ignore_aroma_err : bool Do not fail on ICA-AROMA errors metadata : dict BIDS metadata for BOLD file **Inputs** bold BOLD image, after the prescribed corrections (STC, HMC and SDC) when available. bold_mask BOLD series mask movpar_file SPM-formatted motion parameters file t1_mask Mask of the skull-stripped template image t1_tpms List of tissue probability maps in T1w space t1_bold_xform Affine matrix that maps the T1w space into alignment with the native BOLD space bold_mni BOLD image resampled in MNI space (only if ``use_aroma`` enabled) bold_mask_mni Brain mask corresponding to the BOLD image resampled in MNI space (only if ``use_aroma`` enabled) **Outputs** confounds_file TSV of all aggregated confounds confounds_list List of calculated confounds for reporting acompcor_report Reportlet visualizing white-matter/CSF mask used for aCompCor tcompcor_report Reportlet visualizing ROI identified in tCompCor ica_aroma_report Reportlet visualizing MELODIC ICs, with ICA-AROMA signal/noise labels aroma_noise_ics CSV of noise components identified by ICA-AROMA melodic_mix FSL MELODIC mixing matrix nonaggr_denoised_file BOLD series with non-aggressive ICA-AROMA denoising applied **Subworkflows** * :py:func:`~fmriprep.workflows.bold.confounds.init_ica_aroma_wf` """ inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['bold', 'bold_mask', 'movpar_file', 't1_mask', 't1_tpms', 't1_bold_xform', 'bold_mni', 'bold_mask_mni']), name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['confounds_file', 'confounds_list', 'acompcor_report', 'tcompcor_report', 'ica_aroma_report', 'aroma_noise_ics', 'melodic_mix', 'nonaggr_denoised_file']), name='outputnode') # Get masks ready in T1w space acc_tpm = pe.Node(AddTPMs(indices=[0, 2]), name='tpms_add_csf_wm') # acc stands for aCompCor csf_roi = pe.Node(TPM2ROI(erode_mm=0, mask_erode_mm=30), name='csf_roi') wm_roi = pe.Node(TPM2ROI( erode_prop=0.6, mask_erode_prop=0.6**3), # 0.6 = radius; 0.6^3 = volume name='wm_roi') acc_roi = pe.Node(TPM2ROI( erode_prop=0.6, mask_erode_prop=0.6**3), # 0.6 = radius; 0.6^3 = volume name='acc_roi') # Map ROIs in T1w space into BOLD space csf_tfm = pe.Node(ApplyTransforms(interpolation='NearestNeighbor', float=True), name='csf_tfm', mem_gb=0.1) wm_tfm = pe.Node(ApplyTransforms(interpolation='NearestNeighbor', float=True), name='wm_tfm', mem_gb=0.1) acc_tfm = pe.Node(ApplyTransforms(interpolation='NearestNeighbor', float=True), name='acc_tfm', mem_gb=0.1) tcc_tfm = pe.Node(ApplyTransforms(interpolation='NearestNeighbor', float=True), name='tcc_tfm', mem_gb=0.1) # Ensure ROIs don't go off-limits (reduced FoV) csf_msk = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_maskroi), name='csf_msk') wm_msk = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_maskroi), name='wm_msk') acc_msk = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_maskroi), name='acc_msk') tcc_msk = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_maskroi), name='tcc_msk') # DVARS dvars = pe.Node(nac.ComputeDVARS(save_all=True, remove_zerovariance=True), name="dvars", mem_gb=mem_gb) # Frame displacement fdisp = pe.Node(nac.FramewiseDisplacement(parameter_source="SPM"), name="fdisp", mem_gb=mem_gb) # CompCor non_steady_state = pe.Node(nac.NonSteadyStateDetector(), name='non_steady_state') tcompcor = pe.Node(TCompCorRPT(components_file='tcompcor.tsv', generate_report=True, pre_filter='cosine', save_pre_filter=True, percentile_threshold=.05), name="tcompcor", mem_gb=mem_gb) acompcor = pe.Node(ACompCorRPT(components_file='acompcor.tsv', pre_filter='cosine', save_pre_filter=True, generate_report=True), name="acompcor", mem_gb=mem_gb) # Set TR if present if 'RepetitionTime' in metadata: tcompcor.inputs.repetition_time = metadata['RepetitionTime'] acompcor.inputs.repetition_time = metadata['RepetitionTime'] # Global and segment regressors mrg_lbl = pe.Node(niu.Merge(3), name='merge_rois', run_without_submitting=True) signals = pe.Node(SignalExtraction( detrend=True, class_labels=["CSF", "WhiteMatter", "GlobalSignal"]), name="signals", mem_gb=mem_gb) # Arrange confounds add_header = pe.Node(AddTSVHeader(columns=["X", "Y", "Z", "RotX", "RotY", "RotZ"]), name="add_header", mem_gb=0.01, run_without_submitting=True) concat = pe.Node(GatherConfounds(), name="concat", mem_gb=0.01, run_without_submitting=True) def _pick_csf(files): return files[0] def _pick_wm(files): return files[-1] workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) workflow.connect([ # Massage ROIs (in T1w space) (inputnode, acc_tpm, [('t1_tpms', 'in_files')]), (inputnode, csf_roi, [(('t1_tpms', _pick_csf), 'in_tpm'), ('t1_mask', 'in_mask')]), (inputnode, wm_roi, [(('t1_tpms', _pick_wm), 'in_tpm'), ('t1_mask', 'in_mask')]), (inputnode, acc_roi, [('t1_mask', 'in_mask')]), (acc_tpm, acc_roi, [('out_file', 'in_tpm')]), # Map ROIs to BOLD (inputnode, csf_tfm, [('bold_mask', 'reference_image'), ('t1_bold_xform', 'transforms')]), (csf_roi, csf_tfm, [('roi_file', 'input_image')]), (inputnode, wm_tfm, [('bold_mask', 'reference_image'), ('t1_bold_xform', 'transforms')]), (wm_roi, wm_tfm, [('roi_file', 'input_image')]), (inputnode, acc_tfm, [('bold_mask', 'reference_image'), ('t1_bold_xform', 'transforms')]), (acc_roi, acc_tfm, [('roi_file', 'input_image')]), (inputnode, tcc_tfm, [('bold_mask', 'reference_image'), ('t1_bold_xform', 'transforms')]), (csf_roi, tcc_tfm, [('eroded_mask', 'input_image')]), # Mask ROIs with bold_mask (inputnode, csf_msk, [('bold_mask', 'in_mask')]), (inputnode, wm_msk, [('bold_mask', 'in_mask')]), (inputnode, acc_msk, [('bold_mask', 'in_mask')]), (inputnode, tcc_msk, [('bold_mask', 'in_mask')]), # connect inputnode to each non-anatomical confound node (inputnode, dvars, [('bold', 'in_file'), ('bold_mask', 'in_mask')]), (inputnode, fdisp, [('movpar_file', 'in_file')]), # Calculate nonsteady state (inputnode, non_steady_state, [('bold', 'in_file')]), # tCompCor (inputnode, tcompcor, [('bold', 'realigned_file')]), (non_steady_state, tcompcor, [('n_volumes_to_discard', 'ignore_initial_volumes')]), (tcc_tfm, tcc_msk, [('output_image', 'roi_file')]), (tcc_msk, tcompcor, [('out', 'mask_files')]), # aCompCor (inputnode, acompcor, [('bold', 'realigned_file')]), (non_steady_state, acompcor, [('n_volumes_to_discard', 'ignore_initial_volumes')]), (acc_tfm, acc_msk, [('output_image', 'roi_file')]), (acc_msk, acompcor, [('out', 'mask_files')]), # Global signals extraction (constrained by anatomy) (inputnode, signals, [('bold', 'in_file')]), (csf_tfm, csf_msk, [('output_image', 'roi_file')]), (csf_msk, mrg_lbl, [('out', 'in1')]), (wm_tfm, wm_msk, [('output_image', 'roi_file')]), (wm_msk, mrg_lbl, [('out', 'in2')]), (inputnode, mrg_lbl, [('bold_mask', 'in3')]), (mrg_lbl, signals, [('out', 'label_files')]), # Collate computed confounds together (inputnode, add_header, [('movpar_file', 'in_file')]), (signals, concat, [('out_file', 'signals')]), (dvars, concat, [('out_all', 'dvars')]), (fdisp, concat, [('out_file', 'fd')]), (tcompcor, concat, [('components_file', 'tcompcor'), ('pre_filter_file', 'cos_basis')]), (acompcor, concat, [('components_file', 'acompcor')]), (add_header, concat, [('out_file', 'motion')]), # Set outputs (concat, outputnode, [('confounds_file', 'confounds_file'), ('confounds_list', 'confounds_list')]), (acompcor, outputnode, [('out_report', 'acompcor_report')]), (tcompcor, outputnode, [('out_report', 'tcompcor_report')]), ]) if use_aroma: # ICA-AROMA ica_aroma_wf = init_ica_aroma_wf(name='ica_aroma_wf', ignore_aroma_err=ignore_aroma_err) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, ica_aroma_wf, [('bold_mni', 'inputnode.bold_mni'), ('bold_mask_mni', 'inputnode.bold_mask_mni'), ('movpar_file', 'inputnode.movpar_file')]), (ica_aroma_wf, concat, [('outputnode.aroma_confounds', 'aroma')]), (ica_aroma_wf, outputnode, [('outputnode.out_report', 'ica_aroma_report'), ('outputnode.aroma_noise_ics', 'aroma_noise_ics'), ('outputnode.melodic_mix', 'melodic_mix'), ('outputnode.nonaggr_denoised_file', 'nonaggr_denoised_file')]) ]) return workflow
[docs]def init_ica_aroma_wf(name='ica_aroma_wf', ignore_aroma_err=False): ''' This workflow wraps `ICA-AROMA`_ to identify and remove motion-related independent components from a BOLD time series. The following steps are performed: #. Smooth data using SUSAN #. Run MELODIC outside of ICA-AROMA to generate the report #. Run ICA-AROMA #. Aggregate identified motion components (aggressive) to TSV #. Return classified_motion_ICs and melodic_mix for user to complete non-aggressive denoising in T1w space Additionally, non-aggressive denoising is performed on the BOLD series resampled into MNI space. .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.bold.confounds import init_ica_aroma_wf wf = init_ica_aroma_wf() **Parameters** ignore_aroma_err : bool Do not fail on ICA-AROMA errors **Inputs** bold_mni BOLD series, resampled to template space movpar_file SPM-formatted motion parameters file bold_mask_mni BOLD series mask in template space **Outputs** aroma_confounds TSV of confounds identified as noise by ICA-AROMA aroma_noise_ics CSV of noise components identified by ICA-AROMA melodic_mix FSL MELODIC mixing matrix nonaggr_denoised_file BOLD series with non-aggressive ICA-AROMA denoising applied out_report Reportlet visualizing MELODIC ICs, with ICA-AROMA signal/noise labels .. _ICA-AROMA: ''' workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['bold_mni', 'movpar_file', 'bold_mask_mni']), name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['aroma_confounds', 'out_report', 'aroma_noise_ics', 'melodic_mix', 'nonaggr_denoised_file']), name='outputnode') calc_median_val = pe.Node(fsl.ImageStats(op_string='-k %s -p 50'), name='calc_median_val') calc_bold_mean = pe.Node(fsl.MeanImage(), name='calc_bold_mean') def getusans_func(image, thresh): return [tuple([image, thresh])] getusans = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=getusans_func, output_names=['usans']), name='getusans', mem_gb=0.01) smooth = pe.Node(fsl.SUSAN(fwhm=6.0), name='smooth') # melodic node melodic = pe.Node(fsl.MELODIC(no_bet=True, no_mm=True), name="melodic") # ica_aroma node ica_aroma = pe.Node(nws.ICA_AROMARPT(denoise_type='nonaggr', generate_report=True), name='ica_aroma') # extract the confound ICs from the results ica_aroma_confound_extraction = pe.Node(ICAConfounds(ignore_aroma_err=ignore_aroma_err), name='ica_aroma_confound_extraction') def _getbtthresh(medianval): return 0.75 * medianval # connect the nodes workflow.connect([ # Connect input nodes to complete smoothing (inputnode, calc_median_val, [('bold_mni', 'in_file'), ('bold_mask_mni', 'mask_file')]), (inputnode, calc_bold_mean, [('bold_mni', 'in_file')]), (calc_bold_mean, getusans, [('out_file', 'image')]), (calc_median_val, getusans, [('out_stat', 'thresh')]), (inputnode, smooth, [('bold_mni', 'in_file')]), (getusans, smooth, [('usans', 'usans')]), (calc_median_val, smooth, [(('out_stat', _getbtthresh), 'brightness_threshold')]), # connect smooth to melodic (smooth, melodic, [('smoothed_file', 'in_files')]), (inputnode, melodic, [('bold_mask_mni', 'mask')]), # connect nodes to ICA-AROMA (smooth, ica_aroma, [('smoothed_file', 'in_file')]), (inputnode, ica_aroma, [('bold_mask_mni', 'report_mask'), ('movpar_file', 'motion_parameters')]), (melodic, ica_aroma, [('out_dir', 'melodic_dir')]), # generate tsvs from ICA-AROMA (ica_aroma, ica_aroma_confound_extraction, [('out_dir', 'in_directory')]), # output for processing and reporting (ica_aroma_confound_extraction, outputnode, [('aroma_confounds', 'aroma_confounds'), ('aroma_noise_ics', 'aroma_noise_ics'), ('melodic_mix', 'melodic_mix')]), # TODO change melodic report to reflect noise and non-noise components (ica_aroma, outputnode, [('out_report', 'out_report'), ('nonaggr_denoised_file', 'nonaggr_denoised_file')]), ]) return workflow
def _maskroi(in_mask, roi_file): import numpy as np import nibabel as nb from niworkflows.nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix roi = nb.load(roi_file) roidata = roi.get_data().astype(np.uint8) msk = nb.load(in_mask).get_data().astype(bool) roidata[~msk] = 0 roi.set_data_dtype(np.uint8) out = fname_presuffix(roi_file, suffix='_boldmsk') roi.__class__(roidata, roi.affine, roi.header).to_filename(out) return out